Gallery Floral block print wallpaper in pink and peach by Atelier Danielle Trailing Berry wallpaper in peach and green by Atelier Danielle Baby onesie with butterfly design in peach Notebook with butterfly print in terra cotta and beige by Atelier Danielle Lace floral wallpaper in terra cotta by Atelier Danielle Petite fleur wallpaper in terra cotta and beige by Atelier Danielle Boho Pumpkin blanket by Atelier Danielle Shopping basket with Pumpkin Fabric by Atelier Danielle Cloth diaper with dinosaur footprint by Atelier Danielle Dinosaur nursery wallpaper in green by Atelier Danielle Lineart florals wallpaper in black and white by Atelier Danielle Dark animal forest wallpaper by Atelier Danielle Whimsical animal forest wallpaper by Atelier Danielle Coffee cup with floral design by Atelier Danielle Lineart flower notebook in red and purple by Atelier Danielle Grapefruit wallpaper in orange and pink by Atelier Danielle July Flowers kitchen towel by Atelier Danielle Fabric storage bins with floral prints from the July flowers collection